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About me

After painting all through my teens and early twenties and after studying history and graduating from the University of Maryland, I finally began taking formal art classes at Montgomery College.

These classes solidified my drawing skills and with a beloved painting teacher Dr. Marsh who encouaged alla prima painting - led me back to my painting roots and love of landscape. Additional painting in workshops with Foster Cadell and Morgan Samuel Price helped me see plain air painting as a way to capture immediate light and atmospheric values in a scene.   And Robert Johnson helped reignite a love of still life painting. 

I continued to paint and take classes as I worked on Capitol Hill and then raised two children. And now with two grown children, I am fortunate to live at the beach surrounded by the scenes I love of palm trees, marsh, and water and sky.  I have painted in all the places I have traveled - especially up and down the California Coast and in the Caribbean. And I have painted what I saw and loved. 

Here’s to many more years of painting this beautiful world - and I always remember that it is a great privilege to be a painter!  

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